FREE SWING EVALUATIONS FOR Bees season ticket holders
Exclusively for real Bees Fans. Available at The Golf Rooms, Vantage Building, Bretford.
50 minute evaluation covering swings from wedges to driver. Ball and Club data, video feedback and report with in depth analysis of areas from improvement and a plan to get you playing better golf.
To book your session, click the link below.
1. Choose your time slot
2. Complete your details and in the comment section use the code: BEES
3. Select the pay on day option (there will be nothing to pay!) to skip the payment.
For more information feel free to get in touch on 07915 835 296
50 minute evaluation covering swings from wedges to driver. Ball and Club data, video feedback and report with in depth analysis of areas from improvement and a plan to get you playing better golf.
To book your session, click the link below.
1. Choose your time slot
2. Complete your details and in the comment section use the code: BEES
3. Select the pay on day option (there will be nothing to pay!) to skip the payment.
For more information feel free to get in touch on 07915 835 296